About Us

The Eureka Run was founded in 2015 by Kate Wilson and Zach Sancken in honor of their mutual cousin, Luke Sancken, who lost his battle with cancer in 1991 at the age of 15. We have raised $1,190,000 for the kids of St. Jude through our first nine years. With the exception of the pandemic years, we have experienced growth each year of our existence. 2023 saw 82 runners raise 173,000, our single best fundraising year so far! We are always looking for new/additional runners and/or business sponsors. Please contact Zach with any questions or if you are interested in getting involved. See below for current team leadership and contact information.

Run Coordinator and Treasurer – Zach Sancken zsancken@hotmail.com (309) 229-7919

Lead Volunteer – Randy Little

Social Media Administrator – Abigail Mathews


Past Coordinator – Kate Wilson

Past Lead Volunteer & Treasurer – Adrianne Yoder

Past Treasurer – Pam Franzen