- Run Shirts are ready! (A huge thank you to Kristi Wilson for sorting, bagging and labeling all the shirts for us!!!)
- You have two options to pick them up.
- They are on my front porch, alphabetized in bins. 321 E Harrison St., Eureka. Two-story white house with a basketball hoop in the drive.
- There is also a separate bin for those of you who ordered extra merchandise.
- All shirts not picked up in advance will be available at the check-in table on run morning.
- Remember to bring your shirts with you on run day. We don’t run in them during the day. We change into them at the end of the run so we have matching shirts for the runners parade, party, and check presentation.
- New runners will receive a grey St. Jude Runs shirt also. These are yours for becoming a St. Jude Runner. They are not needed on run day.
- Please note there are no wristbands required for anything this year.
- We will be collecting final fundraising checks and cash at the check-in table on run morning. However, if you have a large amount on hand now, please make a deposit early this week if not inconvenient to do so. This just helps to minimize the manual counting our volunteers have to do on run morning. For checks, there is a mobile check deposit option, or you can take them to any Goodfield State Bank location. If you take them to the bank just tell the teller they are for the St. Jude Run and ask them to jot your name on the deposit slip. Cash can also be deposited at the bank in the same way.